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Adaptation to School

Starting school is an exciting yet difficult experience for a young child. Regardless of the personality of the child and however eager he or she may seem to be for the new situation, there will be moments when the child suddenly realizes that you are not going to be there. The apprehension that accompanies this realization is a normal reaction. Most children have little difficulty adjusting to school after they have made an initial visit with their parents. Nevertheless, it is important to introduce the child to the school in a way that will make this first separation from the parent as easy as possible


We strongly recommend that you practice the following steps, which will help both you and your child:


  • Try to spend some time in the classroom with your child during the first few days of school.

  • Adults who stay more than one day should gradually move out of the classroom. They may stay right outside the classroom or do some reading at a place we have prepared for you. Do not focus too much attention on the child. When children sense that they are not being closely watched, they will usually start to relax. 

  • Never sneak away without saying good-bye to your child. Parents should say good-bye and then leave quickly and unhesitatingly without looking back. If your child cries at the moment of separation, do comfort your child and acknowledge his/her feelings. Do not scold your child.

  • For the first few days of the school, please send your child to school punctually. This will allow your child more time to become familiar with the school as well as his/her classmates. Also, please fetch your child from school on time or at an agreed timing communicated between you and your child. This is so that he/she will not feel unnecessary tension while watching other children go home.

  • During the first few days of school, please spend more time with your child after school so that he/she can seek assurance from the warmth and sense of security from your presence. Try not to ask too many questions such as "what did you do today?" and/or "what did you eat in school?". Such queries in excess during the first few days of school may create emotional burden on a child.

  • If the separation seems to be unusually difficult for both you and your child, you may arrange for someone that you trust to accompany your child to school. Most importantly, feel free to converse with the principal, teachers or even other parents to share your concerns and to get feedback.

Things to Bring
  1. Small backpack

  2. Water bottle

  3. Extra 1 set of clothes

  4. Snacks (Optional)

  5. Diaper (If necessary)

  6. One toy (Optional. Must not relate to violence)

Things to prepare for children staying
Half or Full Day:
  1. Towel

  2. Body soap & shampoo

  3. Toothbrush & mug

Contact Us

Tel: 67564382


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